Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday.

Today was weigh in Wednesday.
The first weigh in that I have done on here in a while.
The second weigh in since Austin and I decided 'Operation Christmas'.
I haven't talked much about weight here, so I am gonna give some back story, and a up to date.

I feel as though I have always struggled with weight. Same song different dance.
I look back though, and I feel as though I am harder on myself for beating myself up now than anything.
I was so hard on high school K'lynn, and senior year I was a size 5 and roughly 135-140 ish. Why was I so mean to myself??

When Austin and I met I was roughly 148, wearing a size 5 still.
We were both a lot smaller. As we dated, I got happier and happier and the weight started going up and up.
After Austin got burnt, I gained a lot of weight. I ate whatever I wanted, I was depressed, and I didn't do any physical activities.
When I got pregnant with Owen I was 192 pounds! I had no idea how much I weighed, and I didn't worry about it because I was wearing a size 8/10. I didn't think I was pushing 200!
When I gave birth to Owen I was around 203-207, I don't remember exactly. I just know I didn't gain much probably because I was already a fatty patty
I breastfed Owen and lost a lot of weight, I got down to 186, and when I was done breastfeeding it slowly crept up on me.
December 2012, we decided to move back to Texas, and I was determined to lose some weight! I was in the 190's again and I didn't want to be Owen's fat mom. That same month we found out I was about 7 weeks pregnant, so I thought, let's just get a elliptical and I will make this pregnancy healthier.
January, I had a miscarriage. I got super depressed. I ate as much ice cream, pizza, chicken, really anything I could.
May 2013, I found out I was at the 220! Seven months ago. I was a size XL, and 16! I did this to myself. I was embarrassed. It made me sick.
I started eating clean, busting my ass at the gym, setting goals, I didn't want anything in my way.
I slowly, but surely started seeing a difference. A pound here, my stomach getting flatter, my arms toning up...I was beyond happy.
Austin decided we should move up here with him, and I told him I would do anything as long as he gets me a gym membership. He did, and I have been in the gym Monday-Friday(child care is closed on weekends) I watch what I eat and I am trying.
I have had people put me down, and I have had people lift me up.
This is about me, and my journey and where I have gotten.
I started out a size 16, and I am now a 10. That is something to be proud of.
Austin and I measured ourselves and took our weight on November 30, I am not sharing those numbers until December 25.
Honestly, I don't want to pay attention to hard on our measurements and our weight as much as I want to just kick ass and keep going.
So, with all that said, our first weigh in I am down one pound. One pound in three days, I will take that.
This is all new to me.
This is just a mom and wife trying to get healthy and look good doing it.

December 2012

June 2013

August 2013
First picture May 2013, Second July 2013

November 2013

Picture overload I am sorry.

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