Thursday, December 19, 2013

Late update, as well as other stuff

Weigh in Wednesday is a day late.
Sorry about that.

Lets get to business, Austin and I both weighed in yesterday, and Austin was down two pounds, and I was down four! Austin will most likely hit his fifteen pound weight loss on for Operation Christmas, I am hoping to hit at least ten. I have accepted that I probably wont hit fifteen since I am only down 5.2 pounds. Hey that's okay though, it's still a loss, and I am still chugging along.
Possibly, we may make some New Years bets. Its just better when Austin and I do this together.
My pants are getting loose, and the shirt I wore to dinner last night was baggy, not too baggy.
I am so happy that we are both making progress. It is just a great feeling to achieve goals, even if they are small.
Austin gets embarrassed when I talk about his weight loss at times, he doesn't want others to think he thinks he better or on a fad diet.
But I am proud of him, I want to be able to brag about every little thing he does! I value him as a person and as my husband, and when he succeeds in something it gives me so much joy.
In other news, the big Duck Dynasty conflict.
I am baffled by this.
I see post on facebook saying, "It's blowing up news feed", "no one cares", "more important things are going on in the world".
Of course this is whats all over social media, obviously some care if it's blowing up your news feed, and indeed more important things are happening, but that's just it, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHATS IMPORTANT, IF A CHRISTIAN MAN CAN'T VOICE HIS OPINION?

Why is it a surprise that a Southern Christian man, believes that homosexuality is a sin? Did you think that perhaps his lifestyle shown on TV wasn't real? A man who teaches his family the word of the bible, teaches his sons how to be godly men and provide for his family, prays on national television was going to be running to the White House to pass gay marriage?
Seriously, this family has done more good then bad. Young teens look up to this family, and why is that a bad thing? Because a group of gay and lesbians got upset of freedom of speech. Everything this man says gets turned into something else, this poor guy cant win. He was asked about his beliefs on a matter, he quoted the bible and said what he had to on the subject, he went on further to say he wasn't here to judge, that will be done one day, his job is to love Jesus and love others. No one cares to hear that part though.

With that being said, I am no where near a perfect Christian, I don't pretend to be.
I don't go to Church every Sunday, we actually haven't been since we moved here.
I say curse words.
If Owen ever does the math, he will know I was pregnant before marriage.
I have gossiped.
I stole money from my dads money jar to get chips.
I have hate in my heart for the people whose DNA runs through my body.
I know who I am though.
I do know what is right from wrong, and I know I am indeed a sinner. I believe that Jesus died for our sins, I believe in Heaven and Hell, and I believe in the Bible and what it stands for.
I believe in my marriage, I made vows before God to become one will my soul mate. Call it cheesy, but I made promises to God, my husband and now my children.
I believe that people only see what they want.
Miley Cyrus 'twerks' her ass on a married man, and its art.
Teen mom 2 star Jenelle Evans is addicted to drugs, ratings are higher then ever.
Kanye West compares his rapping life style to our military men and women as well as law enforcement, no big deal.
A Christian man speaks on his beliefs, and now he is fired, and being viciously attacked by media.
What a sad world we live in.
Why not play devils advocate?
Isn't there a parade for the gay community? Why not a straight parade? Why is it fair that gays and lesbians are able to prance around and make posters in a parade, yet married and straight couples don't get the opportunity?
Isn't there a Tv show with homosexuals? Are we gonna cancel it for all the people who don't believe its right?

I don't care who you like.
White, black, yellow, orange, male female, pig, horse, or second cousin.
If you are able to speak on what you believe, why can't others?


  1. I am 125% in love with you and your post! A) I am so proud of both you and your husband! Congrats on the weight loss! B) I totally agree with everything about freedom of speech. If everyone agreed on everything all the time, we would all be bored!

    1. I don't know how I just now noticed this! Thank you so much! Oh yes, you are right we would be!
