Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas is coming!

One of the many perks of moving to West Virginia, because lets face it there aren't many, was the fact we would have a white Christmas! In Texas we don't get snow. Wet get ice. The one year we actually got some fluffy snow, Austin proposed to me. How sweet. So since October, it has snowed around ten times, and every time it snows, I feel the need to shout at the top of my lungs that its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Austin loves it.
Well, its two days before Christmas, and its effing 56 degrees! It is not looking like a white Christmas.
Someone give me a dailys.

This past weekend was pretty busy:
  • we cleaned the house to get ready for my mother in law, Mason, Shalyn, and of course BRYLEE to come up.
  • my parents sent money for the kids, so we went and bought way to many clothes for them, and an extra special gift for miss Bnuts!
  • bought Bry a new bed.
  • I have found a new love for a new book series.
  • I have done laundry like it was going out of style.
My mother in law is flying up, and bringing Brylee for Christmas vacation! We are so excited, especially Owen. He has a love for her that is unreal! We spent a lot of time working on things that we just haven't done, the upstairs bathroom, Austins office, Brylees room, etc. I feel as though I keep my house pretty nice, I just haven't really done anything to the upstairs.

My parents, who I feel as though are Christmas angels(they have some awesome holiday cheer) sent money to get the kids Christmas. Shipping cost an arm and leg, and who wants to pay for that ish.
The kids already have a ton of stuff under the tree, and Santa defiantly went overboard, so we decided to get a ton of clothes, and Brylee got a extra special gift from her Oma and Popi. My father did not come up with the name mother finds it appropriate to refer to him as popi-cholla, the kids heard it and viol-la!
Before we moved up here, I got rid of the majority of Brylees things. We had planned on buying her a new bedroom set for Christmas before we decided to move, so I just went ahead and got Austin to get stuff up here so we would have less things to pack. We waited until last minute to do that. Ooops.

I have a love for books. I love getting lost in them. I can read for hours upon hours if Owen would let me. So instead I read during nap time, and until 2am. Whatcha gonna do. In high school, I was all about love stories, wizards, vampires, any kind of fantasy world. As an adult...well I still love the same stuff. I mean who wouldn't want to read about the greatest wizard of all time? So this past week I bought the movie, The Mortal Instruments...amazing! It is a GREAT movie! From love to vampires, to demons and hunters! So much thrill and excitement. I posted on Facebook about it, only to find out its a series! Oh my land did I get excited! I immediately bought the series on my kindle, and I am now on book five....out of six. Whats a girl to do?

Laundry. Effing Laundry. I know being a stay at home mom, it's my duties to cook, clean, take care of Owen, buy things all the time, and do laundry. I feel as though I am always washing and drying. Austin is the worlds worst at putting the laundry in the stinking hamper! Seriously, I could punch him in his throat. The past week, he has been nagging at me, "you take all my socks, I have no socks K'lynn." I just bought myself a new pack of socks, only for him to take them. So as I am cleaning the house, I found seven pairs of Austins socks! I don't take his socks, he hides them! He will throw his dirty socks ANYWHERE!!!

I know, I live such an exciting life! Other then all that, I got to enjoy Jimmy Fallon and JT on SNL. Jimmy Fallon is my all time man crush, other then my husband of course.
We also get to watch minions, as well as monsters 24/7. I love my kid, anything to make that little gremlin happy!


  1. Hey Klynn! I just ran across your blog through Hubby Jack's page. He also designed mine, though I'm never on it enough. lol. I also live in WV! About 15 minutes from you. I work out at Planet Fitness in Bridgeport from time to time - and love creating healthy recipes and trying to stay active. (I sit all day at my job so soon as I'm off I try to break a sweat!) I also am an aspiring stay at home mom lol. We want to have kids before too long and I want to make that transit into motherhood & give it my 100% effort, so if the cards fall right, that's the plan! I also always joke to my husband about moving to Texas (all my favorite bloggers live there) so I think it's awesome you're from there! Check out my blog & say hi sometime. I would love to chat! :)

    1. Ohh wow! Crazy! Being a stay at home mom is the best! I love it! Yes I work out at the ymca in Bridgeport, planet fitness didn't have child care ):
      I definitely miss texas, its so cold here! But yes I will check you out for sure! Good luck to ya ma'am!

    2. Planet Fitness should add in a daycare. You're not the only one who has went to another gym because of that. A lot of my friends with kids have said the same thing. West Virginia is definately cold, but the 70/80 degree summers are nice. I don't know if I could handle the super high temps Texas has to offer in the summer. I think I'd melt lol. Thanks for checking out my page by the way!

    3. Yes! It's hars finding time to work out unless they offer child care!
      Oh yeah Texas is HOT!! Way hot! Im looking forward to not sweating my butt off in the summer haha
      No problem, its super cute!!
