Monday, December 30, 2013

Everything in one post.

Christmas is over, and family is here visiting.
I didn't post much last week, we were busy and had a lot going on.
Today I am gonna cover a bunch.
My weigh in on Christmas, whats been going on, and my recap of the year.

Last Wednesday, I weighed in at.....193.
To most, I am still a fatty. To me, I couldn't be any happier! I am FINALLY in the 100's, and I am getting closer and closer every day to where I want to be.
December 1, I was 201.8, and twenty-five days later, 193!
That is 8.8 lbs lost, granted I didn't hit fifteen, but I am happy happy happy!
Since June, I have lost thirteen percent of my body weight! I still can't believe I am actually doing it, and I will continue to keep going.
Regardless what anyone thinks, I know I am kicking ass, and lapping anyone who wants to turn a nose up to me.

Last Wednesday, was also Christmas! We had so much fun! This year was Owens first year to actually get excited and understand kinda whats going on.
It was also our first year to not be with family, or see Brylee. I could say its getting easier, but its never easy not being with your children, it is becoming manageable.
The kids got a lot, and have enjoyed every bit of it!
I surprised Austin with a PS4! He was definitely a happy man.
Austin surprised me as well! That man goes above and beyond and spoils the hell outta me!
From new pots and pans, casserole dishes, shoes, sunglasses, and clothes--that man knows how to treat a woman! I sure am lucky to be that woman too!




A few days later, we got to go get his mother, Mason, Shalyn, and----BRYLEE from the airport!
I have missed that girl so much! She is getting so big and so smart its unreal!
Owen is so happy to have them all here, and I know Austin is too!
I can honestly say, Brylee is probably my biggest fan. She is so sweet to me, and is just such an awesome kid!
Having Deedee and the kids here is great! Deedee is always on the go, and since being here she still and helping and just go-go-going! Owen is asleep, and they all went to the mall to hang out. I did some cleaning, started the crock pot, and now some blogging.
With that, lets look back on 2013, as its coming to an end!

The year started off with us moving from Pennsylvania back to Texas.
I have learned so much this past year.
I have grown.
I have grieved.
I have lost.
I have loved hard.
I have made new friends.
I have started something new, and stuck with it.
I have watched my kids grow.
I have fought for myself.
This year has been one for the works.
Austin lived the majority of the year in another state, and I became depressed. Very depressed.
I had a miscarriage that devastated me, and probably caused entirely way to much stress and resentment in my marriage.
I don't have the same friends I had in high school, or even right after high school. I have new friends.
These new friends though, are the best I could as for.
Kaela came into my life at exactly when I needed her too.
She has been my backbone.
She has kept me strong.
She has listened when I needed her, and talked when I needed to hear.
She has taught me so much about myself, and genuinely made me a better person, a better mother, a better wife.
Austin and I had many ups and downs.
To many to count.
I can say though I am now happier with him then I ever thought I could be.
Being here, isolated in another state with just him and Owen is the best decision I have ever made.
My love and respect grows every day for him, and a year ago I didn't know if we would make it this year.
Today, I don't know how I would make it with out him.
Brylee and I have had a year. She is now at a age of testing boundaries, and hurting feelings.
I am now a step mother to her and not just her parent. It has been hard being the 'evil' step mother, but as the year went on I stood my ground and I feel we have learned so much about each other.
I am not her 'real' mom. Those words cut so deep this year, but she tells me how much she loves me, how she misses me all the time, and I am the best stop mom ever.
It has taken time, but it has been worth it.
Owen. My best friend. The best thing Austin and I could have ever done. This past year with him has gone way to fast. I want to pause time and hold onto him forever.
2013 has been one of the hardest, yet rewarding years for me this far.
I know I am only 23, and I will have many years to reflect upon, but I also know that everything that happened this year has been worth it.
Here's to my mom telling me that I'm an awesome mom.
Here's to making the best memories with my children.
Here's to meeting my best friend.
Here's to losing 27 effing pounds.
Here's to making mistakes and learning.
Here's to mending relationships.
Here's to ending relationships that weren't good for me.
Here's to Frescos.
Here's to all the books I have been reading.
Here's to coming out of my shell.
Here's to being proud of myself for once.
Here's to love.
Here's to all the things you said that were wrong.
Here's to 2013!
Lets hope 2014 brings more love.
More happiness.
More weight loss.
More learning.
Stronger friendship.
More babies (:

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas is coming!

One of the many perks of moving to West Virginia, because lets face it there aren't many, was the fact we would have a white Christmas! In Texas we don't get snow. Wet get ice. The one year we actually got some fluffy snow, Austin proposed to me. How sweet. So since October, it has snowed around ten times, and every time it snows, I feel the need to shout at the top of my lungs that its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Austin loves it.
Well, its two days before Christmas, and its effing 56 degrees! It is not looking like a white Christmas.
Someone give me a dailys.

This past weekend was pretty busy:
  • we cleaned the house to get ready for my mother in law, Mason, Shalyn, and of course BRYLEE to come up.
  • my parents sent money for the kids, so we went and bought way to many clothes for them, and an extra special gift for miss Bnuts!
  • bought Bry a new bed.
  • I have found a new love for a new book series.
  • I have done laundry like it was going out of style.
My mother in law is flying up, and bringing Brylee for Christmas vacation! We are so excited, especially Owen. He has a love for her that is unreal! We spent a lot of time working on things that we just haven't done, the upstairs bathroom, Austins office, Brylees room, etc. I feel as though I keep my house pretty nice, I just haven't really done anything to the upstairs.

My parents, who I feel as though are Christmas angels(they have some awesome holiday cheer) sent money to get the kids Christmas. Shipping cost an arm and leg, and who wants to pay for that ish.
The kids already have a ton of stuff under the tree, and Santa defiantly went overboard, so we decided to get a ton of clothes, and Brylee got a extra special gift from her Oma and Popi. My father did not come up with the name mother finds it appropriate to refer to him as popi-cholla, the kids heard it and viol-la!
Before we moved up here, I got rid of the majority of Brylees things. We had planned on buying her a new bedroom set for Christmas before we decided to move, so I just went ahead and got Austin to get stuff up here so we would have less things to pack. We waited until last minute to do that. Ooops.

I have a love for books. I love getting lost in them. I can read for hours upon hours if Owen would let me. So instead I read during nap time, and until 2am. Whatcha gonna do. In high school, I was all about love stories, wizards, vampires, any kind of fantasy world. As an adult...well I still love the same stuff. I mean who wouldn't want to read about the greatest wizard of all time? So this past week I bought the movie, The Mortal Instruments...amazing! It is a GREAT movie! From love to vampires, to demons and hunters! So much thrill and excitement. I posted on Facebook about it, only to find out its a series! Oh my land did I get excited! I immediately bought the series on my kindle, and I am now on book five....out of six. Whats a girl to do?

Laundry. Effing Laundry. I know being a stay at home mom, it's my duties to cook, clean, take care of Owen, buy things all the time, and do laundry. I feel as though I am always washing and drying. Austin is the worlds worst at putting the laundry in the stinking hamper! Seriously, I could punch him in his throat. The past week, he has been nagging at me, "you take all my socks, I have no socks K'lynn." I just bought myself a new pack of socks, only for him to take them. So as I am cleaning the house, I found seven pairs of Austins socks! I don't take his socks, he hides them! He will throw his dirty socks ANYWHERE!!!

I know, I live such an exciting life! Other then all that, I got to enjoy Jimmy Fallon and JT on SNL. Jimmy Fallon is my all time man crush, other then my husband of course.
We also get to watch minions, as well as monsters 24/7. I love my kid, anything to make that little gremlin happy!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Late update, as well as other stuff

Weigh in Wednesday is a day late.
Sorry about that.

Lets get to business, Austin and I both weighed in yesterday, and Austin was down two pounds, and I was down four! Austin will most likely hit his fifteen pound weight loss on for Operation Christmas, I am hoping to hit at least ten. I have accepted that I probably wont hit fifteen since I am only down 5.2 pounds. Hey that's okay though, it's still a loss, and I am still chugging along.
Possibly, we may make some New Years bets. Its just better when Austin and I do this together.
My pants are getting loose, and the shirt I wore to dinner last night was baggy, not too baggy.
I am so happy that we are both making progress. It is just a great feeling to achieve goals, even if they are small.
Austin gets embarrassed when I talk about his weight loss at times, he doesn't want others to think he thinks he better or on a fad diet.
But I am proud of him, I want to be able to brag about every little thing he does! I value him as a person and as my husband, and when he succeeds in something it gives me so much joy.
In other news, the big Duck Dynasty conflict.
I am baffled by this.
I see post on facebook saying, "It's blowing up news feed", "no one cares", "more important things are going on in the world".
Of course this is whats all over social media, obviously some care if it's blowing up your news feed, and indeed more important things are happening, but that's just it, WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHATS IMPORTANT, IF A CHRISTIAN MAN CAN'T VOICE HIS OPINION?

Why is it a surprise that a Southern Christian man, believes that homosexuality is a sin? Did you think that perhaps his lifestyle shown on TV wasn't real? A man who teaches his family the word of the bible, teaches his sons how to be godly men and provide for his family, prays on national television was going to be running to the White House to pass gay marriage?
Seriously, this family has done more good then bad. Young teens look up to this family, and why is that a bad thing? Because a group of gay and lesbians got upset of freedom of speech. Everything this man says gets turned into something else, this poor guy cant win. He was asked about his beliefs on a matter, he quoted the bible and said what he had to on the subject, he went on further to say he wasn't here to judge, that will be done one day, his job is to love Jesus and love others. No one cares to hear that part though.

With that being said, I am no where near a perfect Christian, I don't pretend to be.
I don't go to Church every Sunday, we actually haven't been since we moved here.
I say curse words.
If Owen ever does the math, he will know I was pregnant before marriage.
I have gossiped.
I stole money from my dads money jar to get chips.
I have hate in my heart for the people whose DNA runs through my body.
I know who I am though.
I do know what is right from wrong, and I know I am indeed a sinner. I believe that Jesus died for our sins, I believe in Heaven and Hell, and I believe in the Bible and what it stands for.
I believe in my marriage, I made vows before God to become one will my soul mate. Call it cheesy, but I made promises to God, my husband and now my children.
I believe that people only see what they want.
Miley Cyrus 'twerks' her ass on a married man, and its art.
Teen mom 2 star Jenelle Evans is addicted to drugs, ratings are higher then ever.
Kanye West compares his rapping life style to our military men and women as well as law enforcement, no big deal.
A Christian man speaks on his beliefs, and now he is fired, and being viciously attacked by media.
What a sad world we live in.
Why not play devils advocate?
Isn't there a parade for the gay community? Why not a straight parade? Why is it fair that gays and lesbians are able to prance around and make posters in a parade, yet married and straight couples don't get the opportunity?
Isn't there a Tv show with homosexuals? Are we gonna cancel it for all the people who don't believe its right?

I don't care who you like.
White, black, yellow, orange, male female, pig, horse, or second cousin.
If you are able to speak on what you believe, why can't others?

Monday, December 16, 2013

It's always sunny in...

Well, not in Nutter Fort West Virginia.
It's Monday, and right now I am usually on my way to the gym.
Austin said to wait until 10:00 though to see if the ice melts a bit. It's snowing once again. It's beautiful, that's no question, but it rained under this beautiful snow is ice.
This weekend I officially finished wrapping all the presents.
I love Christmas. I am so excited for the day to come. Luckily, Owen doesn't mess with the tree or the presents. I have a pretty awesome kid!

I also went and got my nails done for the winter.
I mean, how will anyone know what season it is unless we put it on our fingernails?
Getting my nails done is also my monthly me time.
Yes, I go to the gym and have a good seventy-five minutes alone.
Yes, I enjoy being a stay at home mom and wouldn't trade it for anything, but sometimes we all need alone time. 
Pinterest mom.
I was that mom this weekend.
I always find awesome things on Pinterest to do, and somehow they never turn out.
This time though...well I was proud of myself!
Owen and I made the salt dough ornament with his hand on it.
He is all boy too! He kept squishing the dough and telling me, 'good job'.
Austin had to work a lot this weekend, so we weren't able to do much together.
I am so proud of him.
He has been eating clean, and drinking only water and is already down 10 pounds!
I need to get on his level! 
My weekend wasn't very exciting, I know.
Hopefully, the weeks to come will be better.
A lot goes on in my life, but at the same time I can't post everything in fear someone will get butt hurt.
On another note, December 13, marked a very important date for my brother and sister in law(Austins older brother).
Natalie and Miles got married in January 2010, and I was lucky enough to witness it.
Through out the past three years, Natalie has wanted nothing more then to be a mother, and I have always thought she would be a wonderful mother, even with our ups and downs, the love she has for children is unreal!
So, after trying to conceive the past couple years, they decided on adoption.
With help from the church as well as Gods guidance, they were able to connect with an Agency.
This summer, they got the phone call that a girl and her family had picked Natalie and Miles to be the parents of her unborn baby.
Everyone was overjoyed, but with adoption comes the chance of them saying, 'just kidding'.
December 13, 2013 Asher officially became a MONTGOMERY!
He has been with them since June, but legal reasons you must wait so long before the state will recognize the child as your own.
Now he is.
Adoption touches me deeply, as Korey and I were both adopted(under different circumstances of course).
I get so excited hearing Natalie talk about baby Asher, and the love she has for him.
I am so happy that she is able to share something so wonderful with me.
As our children grow, we can talk about it and laugh.
Make fun of them, love them, kiss the owies.
I just feel like often people don't step back to enjoy the view.
Always know, bigger plans are made for you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Link up with a celebrity.

So, unless you are a blogger, this 'celebrity' may not be known to you.
Holly, was my first follower, and the first blog I started to stalk follow.

Time for a Christmas Link up!
Lets hope I win, Lord knows I spent our life savings this year on Christmas.

1. My favorite Christmas was....Our first Christmas as a family! Owen was only two months, and Brylee didn't get to wake up at our house that year, but it was the best. The joy and excitement we all had when we were together is something I wont ever forget!

2. The worst Christmas I had...Hmm, hard to say. Probably before Korey and I were adopted. All I wanted was some jelly shoes for Christmas, and what do you know, my 'mother' didn't get them. I don't even think we did anything that year for Christmas. Maybe got some IOU's from her.
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was...I think I have a tie! Austin LOVES buying me things 'as seen on tv' Last year I got a Zebra snuggy that I never wore, as well as a picture of cats. Yes, you read that right. We like to watch Shark Tank, and one episode, Mark Cuban invested money into a guys company who 'hand draws' cat portraits. I feel as though Brylee could make better drawings. Anyway, I got a 'portrait' in the mail that said, "Austin requested a family of four in front of the mountains waving'
I wish I could find that drawing.
4. One year I....tried to out do my brothers gifts for our parents! I kid...that's every year.
5. I think the worst gift to give is....anything you get my kids that's loud, annoying, or I have to keep alive.
6. At Christmastime I typically....wake up the whole family at five in the morning! This year is our first Christmas with out my parents though....sad sad.
7. Typically, family at my mom and dads! We all stay the night before, and bake and eat! My daddy makes Delish Prime rib, and we usually have a fire going. The next morning my mom makes something yummy for breakfast(the meal she is best at making) and we open presents! Sometimes we will go to a movie depending on who is all over.
This year, it will be Austin, Owen, and I. I am super excited, because Owen is actually at a fun age where he kinda gets it! Then a few days later, My mother in law is coming up with the two youngest and Bnuts!
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday would be for people not to be so judgemental. Austin and I believe in God, but we also believe in Santa. I mean how selfless can you be to get gifts for your children, and not take credit for it? As well as explaining the reason for the season.
Christmas is about giving, love and laughter.
Celebrating our Lord.
9. It is so hard to buy for....Austin! Mostly because he wants everything expensive, or I tell him what I get him because I can't keep secrets.
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is...I don't think we have one. We try not to get to serious, and just relax and listen to Michael Buble.
11. Santa, baby, bring me a ....flatter stomach, some black toms, clean out my car, some kitchen things, pajamas, sunglasses, and I think that will do (:


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weigh in.

I weighed in this morning.
Why is it so hard to kose the weight?
I haven't lost anything since last week.
Me being the weigh myself whore that I am though, gained some weight over the weekend, and lost that.
If only it counted.
I'm gonna have to take it up a notch!
Monday-Friday at the gym just isn't enough.
Semi clean eating obviously isn't either.
I'm gonna have to just buckle down and fully go clean.
What is it, 80 percent food, 20 percent gym?
I can kick butt in the gym, but you can't outwork a bad diet.

It is so cold in West Virginia.
Texas did not prepare me for this.

I haven't got home sick yet.
I mean my home is where my heart is.
I do miss my best friend though.
It's not the same with out her.
Knowing I could see her every day in Texas, and now I can't.
She's still my biggest supporter, because we all know we are our own worst enemy.
I really need to get more structure to what I say on here.

Just been a rambling.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday madness

Well, well, well, it's Monday.

Austin woke up sick today, which is never fun. Austin being sick=I actually HAVE to do stuff.

Normally, I will cook, clean, do laundry, take care of Owen, all that jazz just because I'm supposed too.
Well, now I have to do all that times ten! Making sure his nasty germs don't get Owen, or heaven forbid me sick! When moms get sick, the world doesn't stop, but Hell does emerge. So pick your battles.

So, this morning I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Made breakfast for us, and got ready.
I got my booty in the gym for a great workout(I did a little to much snacking this past weekend).
Went to WalMart to pick up the rest of Christmas stuff, as well as grab the hubs some crackers, sprite, and meds.
Went to the mall to grab the last of Austin Christmas stuff, and headed home.
Cleaned, and got the hubs everything he needed, grabbed myself some pretzels, and now I'm 'relaxing'.

Our weekend was busy.
I feel as though we are always busy.
Especially Austin!
I'm so happy to say that we are done shopping though, that is way to stressful.

You see, my parents have always been Santas helper. Of course we buy our children presents and celebrate Christmas with family, but this is the first year I do it alone.
Boy am I anxious! I even called my mother freaking out, because she has always done everything so perfect.
Every year we would get the kids and stay at my parents om Christmas Eve.
My father would make a delish meal, we would bake cookies, watch movies, and do the whole open one present on Christmas Eve...and then the kids, and myself would go to bed.
We all know in order to receive you better believe! Well now I am Santas helper, I don't feel as though I am ready for all that responsibility. I know eventually you have to venture out into the adult world, but it feels so soon!

Enough of that talk, I'm working myself up thinking of it all, no lie.

We had beautiful snow this past weekend, not ice like I am used to in Texas!
It's snowed a lot since we have moved up here and I love it!
Owen loves the snow! It was so much fun watching him play, and on an ending note, what do you think hes doing in this picture....

Friday, December 6, 2013

Take a stand.

Today, I came across THIS on facebook. A video going viral, and for all the right reasons.
Not enough people address bullies. I occasionally see some people who may via social media, but at the same time I have seen those same people being mean to others.

I remember being in grade school and getting made fun of for things I couldn't control.
You see, I was 'white trash'.  My mother was the mother who showed up drunk to my school, I was the girl with lice, I was the girl who had a mom that worked at Judy Kays, as well as Kathys bar. The girl who had a mom who slept around. Adults would stereo-type me, thinking Korey and I didn't know.
We did.
We heard it.
We lived it, and it sucked.

Next, we were the 'foster kids'. Although now we at least looked nice, people would still pick on me because now, 'no one loved us'.

After I got adopted  I thought, oh things will change. Well, my name changed from Hill, to Armbrust(pronounced arm-breast). Low and behold, I got boobs. So next it was people making fun of my name, "Can I put my arm on your boobs" Really? Real original.

High school, I got made fun of for being a 'prude'.
Seriously. Guys make fun of girls for not having sex, but at the same time if you have to much sex you get made fun of too.
After my brother graduated, a few guys called me fat. They would 'moo' at me like a cow and throw some food at me.
I hated it. I remember crying and wanting to move schools. Not much of my high school years did I enjoy. I am not saying, 'oh feel sorry for me' that's not what I am fishing for.

You see now, I'm in my twenties, I am married, and have a step daughter and a son.
Not even a month ago, I got made fun of by a woman older then me.
I got called fat, nasty, ugly, lazy, you name it, she said it. She called out my stretch marks, my parenting, and who  I am as a person.
It took me back.
Words do hurt. BAD.
The sad thing is though, as much as all this heart me, and made me feel low, this is NOTHING compared to what others go through.
It kills me as a parent, what may or may not happen to my children.
I even worry about the people who bullied me. What happens if one day you have kids, and they get made fun of? OR worse, what happens if you teach them this awful habit?

Girls get made fun of if they are 'fat' or 'skinny'. Some girls hate being told how little they are, and others will starve themselves to meet what society proclaims is 'hot'.
Some, even make fun of girls who are actually comfortable if they are over weight, using pictures of curving women and saying, 'These are curves, you are just fat.'

People get made fun of for skin color. Calling a African American the 'N' word doesn't make you a bad ass rebel, it makes you ignorant, and your heart full of hate.

Using the words: stupid, retard, tard, on, those words mean a whole lot, especially to someone who may be classified as mentally retarded, or someone who is even dyslexic.

Are you gay? Is it really my business? No. Profiling the gay community as 'fags' or 'homos' isn't acceptable. Bottom line. I don't get in the debate of being gay or not being gay. It's not my business what others choose or who they choose. It's also not others business to deliberately make fun of those people. Bringing religion into it, is your deal, but making fun of them is not right.

The world is getting out of control with bullying. I don't understand what makes one person better then the next.

People can't control what color skin they have.
People can't control how straight there teeth are.
People can't control who there parents are.
People can't control if they have a disability.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday.

Today was weigh in Wednesday.
The first weigh in that I have done on here in a while.
The second weigh in since Austin and I decided 'Operation Christmas'.
I haven't talked much about weight here, so I am gonna give some back story, and a up to date.

I feel as though I have always struggled with weight. Same song different dance.
I look back though, and I feel as though I am harder on myself for beating myself up now than anything.
I was so hard on high school K'lynn, and senior year I was a size 5 and roughly 135-140 ish. Why was I so mean to myself??

When Austin and I met I was roughly 148, wearing a size 5 still.
We were both a lot smaller. As we dated, I got happier and happier and the weight started going up and up.
After Austin got burnt, I gained a lot of weight. I ate whatever I wanted, I was depressed, and I didn't do any physical activities.
When I got pregnant with Owen I was 192 pounds! I had no idea how much I weighed, and I didn't worry about it because I was wearing a size 8/10. I didn't think I was pushing 200!
When I gave birth to Owen I was around 203-207, I don't remember exactly. I just know I didn't gain much probably because I was already a fatty patty
I breastfed Owen and lost a lot of weight, I got down to 186, and when I was done breastfeeding it slowly crept up on me.
December 2012, we decided to move back to Texas, and I was determined to lose some weight! I was in the 190's again and I didn't want to be Owen's fat mom. That same month we found out I was about 7 weeks pregnant, so I thought, let's just get a elliptical and I will make this pregnancy healthier.
January, I had a miscarriage. I got super depressed. I ate as much ice cream, pizza, chicken, really anything I could.
May 2013, I found out I was at the 220! Seven months ago. I was a size XL, and 16! I did this to myself. I was embarrassed. It made me sick.
I started eating clean, busting my ass at the gym, setting goals, I didn't want anything in my way.
I slowly, but surely started seeing a difference. A pound here, my stomach getting flatter, my arms toning up...I was beyond happy.
Austin decided we should move up here with him, and I told him I would do anything as long as he gets me a gym membership. He did, and I have been in the gym Monday-Friday(child care is closed on weekends) I watch what I eat and I am trying.
I have had people put me down, and I have had people lift me up.
This is about me, and my journey and where I have gotten.
I started out a size 16, and I am now a 10. That is something to be proud of.
Austin and I measured ourselves and took our weight on November 30, I am not sharing those numbers until December 25.
Honestly, I don't want to pay attention to hard on our measurements and our weight as much as I want to just kick ass and keep going.
So, with all that said, our first weigh in I am down one pound. One pound in three days, I will take that.
This is all new to me.
This is just a mom and wife trying to get healthy and look good doing it.

December 2012

June 2013

August 2013
First picture May 2013, Second July 2013

November 2013

Picture overload I am sorry.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving & Cyber Monday

Hello all!

It has been a while now, hasn't it?
Thanksgiving was awesome! Austin woke up early, (after getting home after midnight the night before from work) and took his workers to breakfast.
Part of being in the oil field, you miss out on a lot...birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, really any holidays.
When he got home, he made Owen and I breakfast, super DELISH! Austin is such a great cook and I am sure if he reads this his head will get even bigger. We spent most the day in our jammies, watching the parade and some football. Austin FRIED our turkey. WOW. If you haven't had a fried turkey before you are missing out. Once you go fried, you dont go bake ha get it. Chaddy came over and we all enjoyed a nice and easy dinner. Brylee called us and we were able to talk to her for a bit, of course she told us what she wanted for Christmas!
That night, Austin took the day shift guys to dinner too. If I didn't love Austin a lot before, I love him even more now. He is such a great boss. He is always concerned about the weather and if they guys had enough sleep, he truly goes above and beyond.

We didn't do a lot of Black Friday shopping, I went to Wal Mart and snagged a few things, and then we hit up Target. I just don't care for all that mess. Way to many crazies.

I did do my first online shopping experience.
Oh my land!
I can't even think of Cyber Monday, I am patiently awaiting all my goodies!
I ordered me some It works wraps by Lindsey Lee, she is awesome! I have been a loyal customer coming up on a year, and she is always right on the spot with any questions I have. I have seen first hand GREAT results, me personally, I love what they do for my stretch marks.
I also hit up Victoria Secrets for some new bras and jammies!
Old Navy is ALWAYS a must for me, I mean I own the best things they have.
I also ordered some super cute ear warmers from Three birds nest, if you follow me on Instagram, you can see a picture I posted, I love etsy, and this place is right on target with the fad right now(My computer isn't uploading pictures for some reason).
Last, but not least, I ordered Brylee a super cute purse from another shop on etsy, Selby Lane. The customer service here is AWESOME! She responded super fast to any questions I had, and is also going to put Brylees name on the purse for free!
I found both these sites from creepin Skinny Meg. She has an eye for whats cute, and also not too pricey.

I can't wait to get it all in and show it off!

Once I get my wraps in, I will do before and after pictures, and give Lindsey another shout out, and I may even give one away (:
Stay tunned for that.

Last, but not least, Austin and I are doing 'Operation Christmas'.
We took our measurments and our weight, and I will reveal that at the end with our results. We plan on losing fifteen pounds by Christmas. Will it be hard? Most likely. Are we dedicated? Hells YES!
I am so excited he is on board with me, and I can't wait to see how this month goes!