Monday, May 19, 2014

The death of me

Potty Training may be the death of me.
I know that I have discussed we were potty training before...but we got discouraged.
By we, I mean me.
Owen did GREAT for three days, then he kinda gave up, and after he gave up I gave up as well.
Every now and then he will tell me he needs to go potty, but it's nothing consistent.
And yes, I know that some people are 'potty training geniuses and can potty train there 4 month old in two seconds', but that's just not the case here.
Owen has really bad constipation problems, I have take him to the doctor and they tell me to try juice, try laxatives, blah blah blah...the only problem is yes it will help him, but it makes his poop liquid, which is hard to do when potty training because that ish just comes out.
I think we have finally come up with the perfect creation for him to go potty, and we started the training again yesterday. I am gonna take it one day at a time a pray that by the end of this month we will be in only undies.

I mean come on, my belly is only getting bigger, and this mess is, well its a mess!!
So for now, we are limiting his fluids to only breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack, he will wear undies all day, and his booty will go on the potty every 25 minutes!!

I have a doctor appointment this week, and we may be able to find out the sex of the babies!
We are gonna keep it a secret if we do, until we decide how we want to tell people.
We originally wanted to do a gender reveal party in July, but I am not sure when we will be back in Texas.
I would love to still have one, but if we aren't back in time it will be a no-go.

I think we have finally decided where we want to live, now we just play the wait game on when his last day is here and us getting to Texas.
Austin also thinks I will need a bigger car. It's debatable, my car has third row, but he is worried the middle and back will be to crammed, plus we don't have room for a stroller when the third row is up.
Decisions, decisions.

We are so thrilled to be expanding our family by two more, we just have a lot of planning to do, and can't plan much up here.

That's all I got for ya today, I ordered two pieces from Kiki Larue, stay tuned to see the review on them!

Friday, May 9, 2014

I feel like I only blog on Fridays now...

It's the ninth day of May, also my fathers birthday.

Also, its two days before mothers day and twenty-one days until my birthday....

I am kinda a birthday snob...
I have been letting Austin know that my birthday was coming up since Valentines day...which happens to be the last time I got some kind of sweet surprise.

I also believe that since my birthday is on the 30th, it is only natural that the WHOLE month is my birthday month.

I know, I know, I am a brat....but Austin spoils me so what can a girl do??

I have a few things I would just love...

They have this same purse in a fun blue color that I would just love for a summer bag!
I love purses!
They are classy, and regardless your size, the purse always fits!

I also loooooove shoes.
My weakness is cute shoes.
I have so many shoes its unreal, and I will continue the collection!
Mani and Pedis are always nice too...
So is sweet perfume!
Austin always comes up with the best presents, so I know I don't really need to have a post devoted to my birthday....
But, I would like to go to Red Lobster or somewhere in Morgantown since our little town gets boring!

Ohhh and those yummy cupcakes from food lion will do (:

I have the best husband ever!
I can't wait to get him sweet things for his birthday!

Ps, Austin----Don't forget what Sunday is (:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, again?

I have really been slacking on the whole blogging.
I still creep and read all my favorite blogs still.
I just feel I have nothing to talk about right now, at least nothing I am able to share because it's all still in the works!

It rains here all the time, so we are always stuck inside playing with:
  • cars
  • planes
  • stuff animals
  • balls
  • colors
Or, we eat and watch movies.
Does your toddler know all the words to Monsters University?
No, mine is just extra special! Speaking of Owen, he knows Folsom Prison by Mr. Cash kid has style!

Other then Owen and going to the doctor every two weeks I feel as though my life is boring.
Who wants to follow boring?

I am not going to the gym due to being high risk and my doctor said no gym and no sex.
What's a girl to do??

I have an ultrasound at 15 weeks, and I am so excited.
I can't wait to see the babies!

We are looking and searching for our perfect house in Texas, and I couldn't be happier!
I have so many ideas and things I want to get for the new house!

I saw Holly post super cute dishes on Instagram, and I want them now!
Our dishes are just plain ol' black...nothing fancy...

I will probably be picking up a new blog layout as well as header, because of BIG changes in our future!
I can't wait to share either!

Do you ever lose touch or go separate ways with someone, but still wish the best for them?
I do, I know they may not wish it for me, but I can't help it.
Things happen not in your control, but it doesn't mean I hate the person or want them to fail, and I can't help but feel defensive over them when someone else wants them to fail...
Maybe it's just me.

Austin tells me to surround myself with people who will do just as much as I will in the friendship.
It's hard finding those people though. I do have a great...three friends...I can't wait to get back to Texas and see them too!

That's all I have for ya for now!
Stay tuned, hopefully I will be able to share the big changes and things happening soon!