Thursday, December 12, 2013

Link up with a celebrity.

So, unless you are a blogger, this 'celebrity' may not be known to you.
Holly, was my first follower, and the first blog I started to stalk follow.

Time for a Christmas Link up!
Lets hope I win, Lord knows I spent our life savings this year on Christmas.

1. My favorite Christmas was....Our first Christmas as a family! Owen was only two months, and Brylee didn't get to wake up at our house that year, but it was the best. The joy and excitement we all had when we were together is something I wont ever forget!

2. The worst Christmas I had...Hmm, hard to say. Probably before Korey and I were adopted. All I wanted was some jelly shoes for Christmas, and what do you know, my 'mother' didn't get them. I don't even think we did anything that year for Christmas. Maybe got some IOU's from her.
3. That one gift that made me scratch my head and say, "Hmmmm" was...I think I have a tie! Austin LOVES buying me things 'as seen on tv' Last year I got a Zebra snuggy that I never wore, as well as a picture of cats. Yes, you read that right. We like to watch Shark Tank, and one episode, Mark Cuban invested money into a guys company who 'hand draws' cat portraits. I feel as though Brylee could make better drawings. Anyway, I got a 'portrait' in the mail that said, "Austin requested a family of four in front of the mountains waving'
I wish I could find that drawing.
4. One year I....tried to out do my brothers gifts for our parents! I kid...that's every year.
5. I think the worst gift to give is....anything you get my kids that's loud, annoying, or I have to keep alive.
6. At Christmastime I typically....wake up the whole family at five in the morning! This year is our first Christmas with out my parents though....sad sad.
7. Typically, family at my mom and dads! We all stay the night before, and bake and eat! My daddy makes Delish Prime rib, and we usually have a fire going. The next morning my mom makes something yummy for breakfast(the meal she is best at making) and we open presents! Sometimes we will go to a movie depending on who is all over.
This year, it will be Austin, Owen, and I. I am super excited, because Owen is actually at a fun age where he kinda gets it! Then a few days later, My mother in law is coming up with the two youngest and Bnuts!
8. If I could change one thing about the Holiday would be for people not to be so judgemental. Austin and I believe in God, but we also believe in Santa. I mean how selfless can you be to get gifts for your children, and not take credit for it? As well as explaining the reason for the season.
Christmas is about giving, love and laughter.
Celebrating our Lord.
9. It is so hard to buy for....Austin! Mostly because he wants everything expensive, or I tell him what I get him because I can't keep secrets.
10. My favorite Christmas tradition is...I don't think we have one. We try not to get to serious, and just relax and listen to Michael Buble.
11. Santa, baby, bring me a ....flatter stomach, some black toms, clean out my car, some kitchen things, pajamas, sunglasses, and I think that will do (:


1 comment:

  1. I love the Cat drawings story...I saw that episode of Shark Tank too..
    And I long to be as famous as Holly one day....
