Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Transformation Tuesday, and my current addictions.

Today, the famous 'Transformation Tuesday' according to Instagram.
I love Instagram, I feel like I have so many friends and know so many people.
When I don't, but what ev.

Let's transform:
Baby K'lynn (;
 Adult K'lynn.

Just a tad bit of change.
Not much.

Now on to a few of my favorite things.

I love TV series, my number one obsession.
I went crazy on our drive up here because I was missing so many shows. I know it's a bad habit, but Owen takes a two hour nap, and goes to bed at 7:30, so what else is a girl to do?

The Biggest Loser. Always motivates me, tears shed like no other.
How can you not want to take charge when people hundreds of pounds heavier do it.

My Love for The Originals may have surpassed my love for Vampire Diaries. I say MAY. I have such a crush on bad boy Klaus, and I just love the whole story line that they are doing.

I have watched Greys since day one. How else would I have so much doctoral knowledge if it wasn't for this show?

I don't know what I did with my life before I discovered this show.

I need to be prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse, and this show does just that. I discovered The Walking Dead last year on Netflix, and watched all the seasons available in about a week, and have continued to watch it.
Now on to other things that I love.
Unfortunately, it wont let me post some pictures. What the crap.
Jimmy Fallon is me second love.
Austin being my first, forever and always (:
I love Urban Decay makeup, I feel that it has made a huge difference in the way I look, and my confidence has went up a little. Maybe because I actually get dressed?

I love my polar watch, and some spark.
Going to the gym has become a habit, a good one at that. I actually enjoy getting up and going, and I really like seeing results.
I'm not all douche baggy and post a ton of pictures.

Austin bought me a Michael Kors purse, and I love it, I guess you can say that's my new little fashion love. In 15 more pounds I am gonna ask for a watch, or something nice and expensive...I mean come on I am doing us both favors.

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