Monday, November 18, 2013

Little bit of this.

Today is about a little bit of everything.

New blog design, and some details I didn't touch on last week, so I figured I would start fresh and new!

The famous Hubby Jack gave me a face lift this weekend that I absolutely love! As you now know, my husband is in the oil field, I'm a stay at home mom with a two year old, and here I will document all the funny things he does, my weight loss journey, married life, and anything else I find amusing.

So first things first, I was once a blogging fool, but when we moved, a lot was going on, I didn't care to get Internet and just put that part of my life on hold. Well, we recently moved up to West Virginia to be with the hubs, because long distance just wasn't cutting it.
I had a lot of previous post that you could once refer too, to get to know me, but last week I deleted a lot. I made a joke about someone, it wasn't hurtful or by any means vicious, but she read it, and then proceeded to tell me what she thought of me and my blog and everything. For that day, I let her get the best of me. I was embarrassed about all the things that were said that I felt the need to go back and delete everything I posted. From me trying to lose weight right after Owen and much more.
After I let it sink in, I thought wait, I am upset that she wanted to make fun of me for actually getting my butt up and doing something with me life? I cried over someone who went and read all 80 plus post about me? Why?! I'm not the one stalking every form of social media,  so if its wrong that I connect with an awesome community, talk about my family, and get healthy...well who cares. I don't have time for that, and I never will. So I am not liked by someone.  Oh well.

This is my place, my safe zone.

I am a wife, and a mother--a young one at that. I started blogging after reading two womens blogs for a while and, deciding I can do this. I can have a whole community of people keeping me accountable for what I am trying to accomplish.

So here I am, 23 year old woman. My goal is to lose 20 more pounds, to be the best version of me that I can be, to be the best mother I can!

I will talk about recipes I learned from pinterest(I pin the best foods), funny things Owen says and does, what its like to be a step mom, life being married, the gym, and when the time comes, I will talk about us expanding our family.

I'm eager to start a new 'blog life'.
I can't wait to see where I am a month, two months, a year from now. I am even more excited to meet new people.
This isn't a place for negativity, I don't want it nor need it, I have some amazing friends and family and I am very happy with where I am and who I am, but I know I can only improve.

Thanks loads!

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