Thursday, November 21, 2013

Come together.

One thing I see a lot: moms trying to out do other moms.

Why? What is the point?

It starts with when you are pregnant, the 'advice' is pushed on you; because let's face it, you don't know what you're doing.

If you decide a certain prenatal, you're wrong.
If you gain to much weight, you're a fatty.
If you don't gain enough, you are harming the innocent baby.
If you take Tylenol, you shall burn in hell, I mean do you not realize the baby gets that too?
To be induced or not?
To get drugged or not?
Natural vs. Cesarean?
You suck, and are lazy if you don't go all natural with zero drugs.
I mean, why even have the baby in the hospital? Hello infections!

To breastfeed or use formula?
No one cares if baby didn't latch or not, they care that you are feeding that baby formula! I mean how dare you feed your child anything other then mother's milk?!

To feed in public or cover up?
Who the hell cares.

Did you carry my child for 40 weeks?
Does your stomach look like you had an affair with Edward scissorhand?
Did your vagina or uterus get torn open?

Your opinion isn't needed.
What makes one mom better?

Why can't moms come together as one, instead of making a competition out of it.
You are setting your child to be the same way.

'My kid will not be your kids friend, because he's vaccinated'

That's fine, take your hippie self somewhere else, because we don't have time for your judgement.

It goes the same with people who don't respect those who don't choose vaccines.
Affer the initial shock of how you choose to raise your own child:
My kids better.

'Oh your nine month old doesn't have the periodic table memorized? Thats to bad, he will probably be a serial killer'

'I can't believe he's not doing(insert whatever the other child does)'. Oh you mean your kid that is four years older then mine, congrats to yall he's super advanced.

My 52 month old still breastfeeds, and only eats organic foods. You can say hes four, thats fine too.

It goes all the way to people who want to tell me not to discipline my own son.

Aca-scuse me?
If I needed any advice or opinions on what I do as a mother I would ask.
I am not a mean person, nor do I think badly of moms who don't agree with my views.
That doesn't mean I am a bad mom and it doesn't mean you are either.

Different strokes for different folks, or something like that.

I just don't agree nor appreciate seeing others on social media or even people I know, judging others or myself.

Didn't we all get an egg fertilized?

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