Friday, February 7, 2014

What does Feb. 14th mean to you....

I was reading a blog, and found a set of questions asked to a man, and got a good little laugh out of it.
I decided to ask Austin the same questions, and see what he thought.
Austin is pretty vulgar at times, and even though I should probably censor his answers, I wont.
I mean, I got a good laugh out of him.

1. What Valentines gift do you think women want most?

I think women just want to be disappointed, so that they can bitch about it for a whole year about what you didn't get.

2. What's a lady's ideal place to celebrate Valentines night?

Probably a really expensive restaurant, but it has to have good lighting for all her selfies she will share on ALL her social media sites.

3. If she could pick a meal for you to cook, what would it be?

Steak. Women love some meat...

4. Whats more important to get your lady on Valentines: flowers, chocolate, or lingerie?

Flower in my mouth, chocolate on the body, lingerie on the flo!
I kid, were married that won't happen. Food, always food, and as she eats tell her how effing skinny she is.

5. Do you think you should get something special on Valentines?

Yup, starts with a 'b' and ends with a 'j'

6. You're on your way home, and forget its Valentines, what do you do?

Turn my ass around and self destruct. It's Valentines, we don't forget. As soon as February hit, we have been told daily that Valentines is coming up.

7. If you could give your wife a candy heart with something personal on it, what would you say??

Sorry I got you nasty ass candy heart.

Well, you heard it here. Words of the hubs, I mean he is such a romantic. How did I get so lucky?

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