Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentines Day..

Valentines Day has come an gone, like most holidays you have those who just fume out negative energy.
It gets old people.
Real fast.

Yes, Valentines is a hallmark holiday, but it's fun!
I am sure its chaotic for the flower shops, as well as candy stores, but it is fun.
Cheesy, yes, but as Austin says it's a extra day to get some extra loving.
Brown chicken brown cow.

I saw so many girls posting things, degrading others for showing off what they got.

'So many materialistic women theses days, I just want a day to watch sports all day long and smell his farts.'

Well, I'm sure I would say that too if I was indeed single or wanted to jump a guys bones.
I mean come on now, I doubt you would shit on a mans face if he brought you home a gift card to get a pedicure as well as some fancy diamonds.
Don't be bitter because you are single. Embrace it, and go buy all the candy that's fifty percent off the next day.

I mean why ruin a holiday for others?
I mean, we all know a Debby downer, and Negative Nancy.

'Oh my husband is taking me to dinner I can't wait'

'Yeah, my cat died, and I have herpes no one wants to take me out'

Sucks to suck.

Sure, I am spoiled.
I don't see it as me being needy, I see it as some moms raised there boys the right way.
I intend to raise Owen the same way.
You should want to shower your other with gifts, praise, and love.
I have had my share in bad boyfriends, so the fact that I have a kick ass husband, hells yes I am going to brag and shoot smoke up his butt!

To all you who throw Valentines day under the bus, go out, eat all the chocolate you want, and possibly be single longer...or wake up, be bad ass, and maybe someone will want to be your Valentine next year.

Maybe not though.

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