Thursday, February 6, 2014

I got an award?

I mean I feel flattered!
Shout out to Brittany, new blogger, new buddy!

I don't really know how this works.
I answer some questions and write some new ones, and find 11 new bloggers, with less then 200 followers to do the same.
Well, shat.
I don't know 11 new bloggers with less then 200 followers, but I will try.

The questions I got are the following:

Paper or plastic grocery bags?
Plastic, I heard that paper causes cockroaches, and um hell to the no to those bad boys.

Favorite perfume/cologne?
Daisy, Marc Jacobs.
Smells soo sexy and fierce.
Money not being issue, dream job?
I am a stay at home mom, and I love it!
College not being an issue, and me wanting to finish it, I would do anything with forensic.
What would be your perfect snow day?
Eff the snow.
I moved from Texas to West Virginia, and it snows all the damn time.

What is your favorite Olympic sport?
Acasuse me?
I don't know...Michael Phelps...
You finallly win the publishers clearing house sweepstakes, what do you do with that money?
These questions are hard....Pay my car off...take a vacation?
Now I sound a little to bratty.
Why did you become a blogger?
I stalked many other bloggers, and decided I could do this.
So I started writing about being fat, being married, and having my little mini.
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas. I love giving, and especially Christmas with my babies.

If you wrote a letter to your 22 year old self, what would you say?
Well, that would be me a year ago....
Don't move away from the hubs, yall are gonna hate the distance.
Stop thinking you are super fat, just keep going.
Stand up for yourself, love more, hate less.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Reading naughty books, eating white cheddar popcorn, dr. pepper, getting my nails done way to much.
I mean I have a lot.
Give yourself 6 months, where would you travel?
Diagon Alley...
I mean who wouldn't.
My 11 questions....
If I could tell Obama what I think of him.....
Harry Potter is....
What is your favorite book?
How many kids do you have/want?
Who is your favorite blogger and why?
What is your favorite show?
I phone or Android?
My celeb crush is...
My best friend and I are best friends because...
What is your favorite movie to quote?
What movie has the best soundtrack?
My bloggers I pick:
I will try to find more....

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