Thursday, February 20, 2014

I wish...

I just put Owen down for a nap, and started a load of laundry. I know, I live the life of a stay at home mom and wife!

I can't help but wish I was as cool as my Pinterest board.
I'm sure people think I am an amazing chef, I'm super fit, I'm pregnant, I'm also this one of a kind Pinterest mom.
Oh so wrong about all of those, well except I am an 'okay' cook.

I look back on the past two and some odd months of Owens life, and wish I did some of those awesome chalk boards that overachieving great moms do for the milestones.

Since I didn't do that, today I will just talk up my sweet little man and all he does!
Owen is such a smart, over achieving, funny kid!

Right now, today he:

Loves to eat: muffins, scallops, shrimp, rice, eggs, asparagus, grapes, and 'snacks'.
The boy loves some milk, and juice 'pretty pretty please mommy'.

His favorite movie is: Frozen, Monsters Inc., and The Incredibles!
His favorite show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, 'because it's funny mommy'. He also likes Sophia the first, which I love!
The boy has some lungs on him! He loves to sing 'Let it Go', Johnny Cash, Taylor Swift, really anything that is upbeat and fun!

He isn't potty trained just yet, but he is learning fast.
Bath times are a blast, he has the best laugh and loves splashing and coloring with bathtub paint.

His vocabulary is way above a two year old he talks non stop, and learns new words everyday.
He is so polite, right now his big thing is telling us, "Thank you for food mommy and daddy, I had fun eating with you."
Melts my heart to know how great his manners are.
He loves being a little shit though, he gets that from his momma, but he sweet lovable self...he gets that from his daddy!
Boy can that boy be sweet!
He is so lovable, outgoing, funny, charming, and all those qualities come from his daddy!

I love the little boy we have, and the bond that he shares with both of us!
Owen James, dontcha ever grow up.

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