Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What's up Wednesday Adams...

My father in law is the worlds worst at making fun of people.
My brother in law, and husband have followed in his footsteps.
They have something to say about anyone.
When we went to the UFC fight in Texas, Austin got on to me because I have turned into him...
Ex: buff guy walks by thinking he's a bad ass, 'what's up muscles?' Man wearing tall socks, 'what's up tube socks?'
Legit, they have something to say, with out a care in the world, and it has rubbed off.
We were once at Olive Garden, and my father in law, in a loud voice said, "hey Wednesday!" to a Gothic looking Wednesday Adams.
What can you do?

I never know who reads my blog, until, our long lost friend that lives in Houston calls and wants to know who pissed me off.
He's a good guy.
So, shout out to you and Laina if you read this, we miss ya'll and can't wait to be back in Texas!

I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, no ultrasound until the 23rd.
I really want to see the babies again!
I wonder what she will do, I mean what exactly happens at a ten week appointment?

Um, I can't poop, I barf, I am so tired, I am hungry constantly...yet can barely eat, fix it.

Austin and even Owen have stepped up.
Austin does the majority of, well everything.
When I do laundry, Owen will help change the loads over, as well as put his clothes in the hamper.
He throws his trash away, cleans up his lunch by throwing his plate and utensils in the trash, and lets me know when he's ready for bed.
He has been such a great helper to mommy.

Austin and Owen are watching Life of Pi, and I just want some chick fil a, or a steak, or queso.

I read a blog post today about forgiveness and what not, and it really hit home.
I often let to many people in my life, as well as let them walk all over me, instead of getting my panties all bunched up, I cut them out.
I really need to learn how to not only forgive those, but forgive myself.
I don't even have my life together, I am still trying to figure it out, it isn't my job to put anyone elses life together.

On another note, I am so ready to go get Easter stuff for Owen and Brylee!
I love holidays.
I love any time of the year I get to go buy things for the kids.
Matching outfits, fun toys, cute baskets, anything I can get them I am all for it.

I love being a mom.
I love doing all I can to put smiles on my kids face.
I love my husband, and I love my true friends.

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