Monday, April 7, 2014

Blogity blog.

I thought all night what I was going to blog about today.
You see, I am not very interesting.

I am not trying to lose weight at this moment.
I don't sell any weight loss fads, make-up, wraps, or Earth water. What the hell is Earth water?
I thought about posting about the dramatic fight I had this weekend that was dumb, no not interesting.
I thought about posting about people stealing my pins on Pinterest, lame, I sound like an ass hole.
I already wrote about how I got my feelings hurt from people stealing my thunder.
I mean I could go on and on about how GREAT my sweet oj is, or how he uses "shit" in the correct way, thanks Austin.

I feel like it's always the same thing.
Over an Over.
I used to want to be blog famous.
Not something I am proud to admit.
I started this blog, because I wanted too.
I felt like I had things to say that I am to chicken shit to say in real life.

Anytime I try to address anything in my life, it blows up.
I don't like conflict, an I don't like people being rude to me.
You can say I hide behind a keyboard, I don't care.
I especially don't like things being blown out--->I will be outty five thousand in a heart beat.

I have a lot going on in my life right now.
A lot I don't express to my parents, or close friends.
I don't think that everything that happens to me is every ones business.
I try to keep some things between the hubs and I.
I really don't like being judged for the people in my life either.
I choose to see good in people maybe some don't.
I have three people in my life, I can say what I want, express anything, and they don't flip out and get upset.
Other people may not like them, but they haven't done anything to me, so I will choose to love these people.

I am getting so excited about moving to Texas.
We don't have a for sure date, but we are talking to people and looking a houses.
I am so excited to buy our first home.
I am so excited to decorate it.
We will be spending Christmas this year in our new home with a family of six!!

I told my friend Chelsey this weekend that we are already thinking about Christmas stuff!
I know I am crazy, I just am so happy to know we are going to be at a place in our life that we have been praying for.

Austin and I have already decided our theme for our 'shower' and how it will go down, I can't wait.
We aren't going to get a friend of family member to throw it, to much drama.
We aren't going to have a typical shower either.
I know I have weeks to go before then, but we are so happy!

Life is going well for us at this point, and I couldn't feel more blessed.

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