Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Love and other stuff.

Lets start with 'other stuff' today before the love part.

Being a mother of a two year old, you get to watch Disney junior for the majority of your tv time.
You learn the catchy songs, you figure out the characters, and you judge them....

This brings me to my first judgment show:

First thing is first, what is your real name?
Did your parents actually name you Doc?
Who decided that your 'diagnosis' are real?
I haven't even heard some of these illnesses or diagnosis that you come up with, I mean I feel more qualified as a doctor due to my extensive background in Greys Anatomy.
You have also made my son believe that his animals can 'go stuff' they can't. Yes I believe every child should have a vivid imagination, but explain that to a two year old who is pissed because his animals don't really talk to him.
Your mom? No this isn't a your mom joke, but hello we get that its 2014 and women work.
The point is made with the amount of times the mom 'can't clean she has reports', 'oh I can't play I have patients waiting'.
While the dad is food prepping, cleaning the kitchen, or doing laundry.
Looks like he knows his place.

My next show:
Mickey Mouse is a Dbag.
He is the definition of it!
He is so self centered.
The whole song is about him, all the decorations are his face, its Mickey Mickey Mickey!
I mean give Donald a chance!
We can all call tootles, but he has to be the one to do it.
Pete is in almost every episode, but he doesn't get to be in the roll call.
All these characters are animals.
Mickey and Minnie are both mice.
Donald and Daisy are ducks.
Goofy and Pluto are dogs.
For some reason though Pluto is the only one who gets treated like an animal?
What the heck?
Where are his rights??
Those are really the only shows I don't like.
Sophia is super catchy, and I catch myself watching her when Owen is down for a nap...
Yeah I can admit it.
Now, I want to get down to love.
Not love making, just sweet love.

This man right here.
This guy.
Last night we talked and talked about all kinds of things.
As cliché as it may sound I told him he saved me.
Austin is my best friend, I get pissed off at him, I am pushy, but if I had it my way I would have him around all the time.
He makes me laugh harder then anyone.
He is such a great father, an amazing husband.
Last night we talked about a lot, one thing we discussed was him being burnt.
I don't even notice his burns anymore.
I play with his scars or rub them, Owen kisses them, but he never hesitates when they play.
Which is how it should be.
They are scars, a part of his story, a part of who makes him who he is.
He told me someone made a comment about his trach scar.
I was pissed.
I was furious.
You don't walk up to someone who is bald going through chemo and ask why they are bald.
You don't walk up to someone who is a different ethnicity and ask why.
So don't walk up to him and ask him about his scars or why they are there.
Chances are he got burnt, or got a trach put in, it's not a conversation you have with random people.
It's inappropriate, and Austin is the last person in this world who wants someone to look at him different or feel sorry for him.
It's not who he is.
He is many things in this world: a provider, caring, loving, trust worthy, powerful, handsome, strong, tender, forgiving, fatherly, he is more then I could ask for, but don't classify him as helpless or to feel bad for.

Well, that's all I have to say about that.

Please enjoy Owen eating air....

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