Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Does that make me crazy?

Before I go further, I realize I am a bit on the crazy side...
Don't ever call me it though, because indeed I will show you just how crazy I am.

It's in my DNA.

So, Austin has been wanting to watch Silver Linings Playbook since it came out.
I was very hesitant of it because I saw the movie, and I noticed some similarities in Tiffany and myself. If you have seen this movie, she has some depression issues, some commitment issues, and has been on different medications. She also may or may not say inappropriate things.

Well, Austin and I watched it.
He said, 'You know that was a pretty good movie, a lot of her qualities are ones you have that attracted me to you.'
Red flag anybody?

So you mean to tell me, the one thing I am super self conscious about, you find attractive?

He didn't go that far with it, he just said I am very passionate and my moods seem to change at any moment.

Example: "Chaddy, I want to take K'lynn to the movies tonight you said you would watch Owen. Be here at 6:45, not 6:46 because she will flip shit and we wont go."
At 6:43 Chaddy text me to say he's at the red light don't cancel.

In a way I am very controlling.
I don't like change at all.
It scares the hell out of me.
I don't like hurting people.
I will let people do what ever they want, say what they want, take my last dollar, Austin says its because I am caring--I say its because I am stupid.
I don't ever do the fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Its a fool me a thousand times because I dread the day someone hurts as much as I have.


The smallest things make me freak. I am no where near being OCD, but if someone says they are coming over and dishes are in the sink, I lose my shit.

If I forget something at the store for dinner...I will cancel dinner.
I have my flaws, I am aware of this.
It's getting better though.

If you threaten me, I lose my shit.
Once someone said I was a bad mother because I went out for my twenty-second birthday. Owen was at home with Austin, and my friends got a hotel for us. It was my first time to drink since having Owen, and someone said I was an alcoholic and a bad mother.
Talk about going Miranda Lambert on her ass.
Don't talk about my husband, my children, or my family.
Don't call me a bad mother, or an unfit mother.
I had a unfit mother, and I will do all I can to ensure that nurture won.

Those are just some things that set me off, I mean does that make me crazy?

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