Monday, January 27, 2014

Did you really say that?

Often I find myself baffled at some of the things my dear sweet husband says.
When Austin and I first started dating, he was normal, I say that word loosely because I don't think hes abnormal now.
He has definitely let himself loose over the years.

Some things that he says I question, some I laugh, and others I just wonder did he really say that??

Saint Patricks day, Austin feels as though he should be extra festive, and only speak to me in an Irish accent.
Its funny for the first three minutes.

As we watched Thor, Austin felt the need to demand that I, "feel this goblet full of smashed tea leaves my lady."

When I brought up if we were ready to have more children, I got, "you want my baby grave?"

What the hell is baby gravy? Way to romance a woman!
Austin is extremely vulgar, maybe that's why I like most about him?
I have no clue.

He always wants to invent something.
A day doesn't go by that he hasn't told me about his new invention that will make millions.

I always announce when I have to go pee, I'm not sure why because every time he will reply, 'want me to watch?'

He has such a great sense of humor that always keeps me on my feet.
I'm really not sure where he comes up with half the stuff he says to me, I want to start writing them down though.
I shall call it, what the eff is this.
I kid, but in all honesty I hope Own is as funny as Austin.
He already has a great sense of humor, but is kinda an ahole like his mom.
Yes, I just said my kid is an ahole, sue me.

I often filter what I say on my blog in fear people may not like me, at this point I don't care.
You will love me or hate.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I have important news!
    1. I love you and your blog and your family and the relationship you and Austin have!
    2. You are gorgeous! Congrats on the weight loss thus far and here's to looking good! Losing weight is NEVER easy but you have done a great job!
    3. I want to nominate you for the Liebster Award!
    Hop over and check it out!
