Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dollar makes me hollar.

Austin went to the casino yesterday, my honey won some money.
"I wanted to bring you home a surprise, but I figured you would like the cash more."

Well, I mean who doesn't?
Extra money for our sweet vacation!

I ordered some Advocare from my besti, Kaela.You can check her out, or place an order with her anytime.
She's bomb.
I love me some spark, the catalyst, and the carbease.
Spark rocks my socks off, especially right before the gym! I also take the catalyst before the gym, so I can look all buff and lean....
Carbease is my FAVORITE!
I usually only take if when I am planning on eating my weight in food...thirty minutes or so you will crap, that's okay though, you are crapping out those carbs!!

I plan on buying the Chris Powel carb cycling book when we get back from Texas, as well as taking my advocare supplements.
Let's face it, right not isn't my time.

I have definitely hibernated this winter, and I wont lie, I have put on some pounds.
I just got in a funk, and that happens with me a lot.

What can you do?
I haven't ever been a 'all or nothing' girl.
I like to ease into things, and do it my way.
We all know how to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and exercise...but its a mind game. My mind is crazy, I am controlling, and I have to do it my way or the highway.

I will get tips, pointers, and read other people's success stories too, but instead of following what they did, I take bits and pieces, put them together and do what works best for me.
That's all I can do.
I really need to sit down and make a list of goals that I want to achieve.
I made new years ones and I have followed some of them, but haven't been following my weight loss goals.

I like nice things.
That's what gets me going.
Say I am bratty, whatever.
I treat the hubs well, and he knows if he wants to get my ass moving he has to bribe it.

Here's to after Texas and getting my ish together once again.


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