Thursday, April 3, 2014


Today, today I woke up in a mood...
You could say I woke up Han-GRY

Poor Austin, I don't know how he puts up with me.

Thank God he does though.
These days I wake up starving.
No lie, I feel like death.
I am so hungry, but at the same time I feel like barfing.
This is how I feel All.Damn.Day.
Not hungry, just sick.
No, I am not eating for three, I eat normal like I did before.
I get full fast.
I know I am overweight, but that's not my focus right this second.
Right now my focus is on keeping these babies in me as long as I can.
I have a facebook friend who is also pregnant with twins. I don't know her very well, but boy am I glad I know her a little. Since I have had a miscarriage everything scares me, so when I have a question that I don't want to rush to the doctor I ask her, and she gives me awesome feedback.
Which is great! I don't feel confident enough to go to my doctor yet, I just miss my Texas doctor, can't wait to get back to her.

We have come up with one set of names if its a boy and girl, but that's it.
I have no idea what we will do with two boys or two girls, either way I will just be happy for some healthy babies. We may end up calling them 'A' and 'B' forever.

I have been really tired lately. Doing two loads of laundry I feel drained. Washing the dishes, I feel like I will get sick. So not much has been getting done...well we aren't nasty, Austin has helped a ton with dishes, and I stick with laundry and trying to pick up after Owen....

Owen. This kid.
Right now he uses his hair as a napkin, so he can't miss a bath these days.
He repeats EVERYTHING.
He is so dang smart though I have to give him that.
He sings his ABC's, can count to 20, knows all his body parts, uses big sentences, has awesome manners, and knows who Johnny Cash and Jimmy Fallon is. I mean that's all that matters right?
I really want to start reading to him more.
We sing and laugh, but I want to start doing fun crafts and some reading.
I have to soak up everything from him, he will always be my sweet baby boy.
I can't believe he will be three when the twins get here!
I told Austin if we have any kind of shower for them we have to do it in September because October is his month!!! October is his last month to be my sweet two year old and I want it to be the best!

I probably sound like a nerd, but Owen is the best thing that has ever happened for Austin and I together, next will be our twins, but now I will enjoy my sweet OJ.


  1. I love you, you are the sweetest mama to big baby O. I bet A&B get quite a kick out of O.

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